Uploader HD for Instagram - Post HD Photos/Videos App Reviews

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I love this app! I love being able to post to Instagram from my Mac!!

I love this app! I love being able to post from my Mac!

won’t upload to Instagram

Sadly, I needed the app to do one thing…upload. I have logged in to my account, dropped the photo, written a caption, clicked post with a response of “upload successful,” but no upload in Instagram. Hoping App Support can help with this issue. Love the idea behind the app and have no issue with price.


I’m a professional photographer and needed to expand into Instagram instead of just FB. It was always a pain considering getting the pics from the camera to the computer to the mobile device to post to Instagram. I never even considered there would be a desktop app until I started looking around and found this. It works perfectly. I couldn’t possibly be happier that I can now post directly to Instagram right from my Mac. It fits into the workflow of posting to FB and Pinterest without any added steps. Couldn’t be happier.

Upload is all it does.

I think somewhere in their description in the Apple Store, Think Time Creations should mention that all Uploader HD does is upload. You can’t delete a photo on your Instagram page from your MAC, you must do it from a phone. Dittybows

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